When it comes to different microgreen cuts, there are standard measures in the market, which fits most adquately into tray. Be always aware of varying thickness and its significant price differences, so compare prices with identical thickness only. The most common dimensions are:
- 113 x 75 mm.
- 112 x 60 mm.
- 500 x 240 mm.
- 230 x 230 mm.
- 28 x 48 cm.
- 25 x 35 cm.
- 12 x 17 cm.
- 50 x 24 cm.
Thickness is key
Above dimensions always do exist in different thickness, which have a significant impact on the price of the mats, so be aware to compare thickness as well.
Custom Cut
A custom cut comes with a price tag, so if possible its more economical to make use of whats around in the market, our global clients, do make use most often of the following cuts:
Its utmost important to purchase the highest certified mats in the market, manufactured automatically under high standards, which incorporate all guidelines for food grade mats.